Was King Arthur a Real Man or Fiction?


(Media image Author: Tom Ordelman. CC BY-SA 3.0)

Written by Intrigue Generis

updated May 2, 2022

The Legend

King Arthur also known as Arthur Pendragon in stories, is described as one of the most renown kings to have ever lived. King Arthur allegedly led British forces against the Saxon intruders in the 6th century and won (History.com staff. 2017). His tale has been embellished to include knights at round tables, and wizards named Merlin at his side.

I was not there, and neither were you, so we do not know if these embellishments are true or not. However, what I can say is that there is archaeological evidence to prove that Saxons and the British were in Glastonbury Abbey during the 6th century.

Where is this, did you say? Glastonbury Abbey. Why is this place significant? Well we will get to that in a minute.

Archaeological Evidence

For ten years Lucia Marchini, an archaeologist, revisited all the work that previous archaeologists did not publish (regarding the search for proof of King Arthur). She re investigated the site of Glastonbury Abbey to conclude that there was significant evidence of Britain residency and Saxon presence at this site during the 6th century (L. Marchini, 2016).

As history would dictate, the Saxons, also referred to as Vikings (http://saxons.etrusia.co.uk/vikings_whowere.php), dominated much of the Britain and Roman empire for many years before being defeated. For me this information stimulated many questions. What was the cause? What was the turning of tides? If King Arthur was involved why is it not documented?

An article I read stated in Anglo-Saxon text, that a mysterious man referred to as “The Bear” saved England from Saxon domination in the late 5th century. (M.Wall, n.d.) Guess what? In the Welsh language another name for bear is Arthur.

A supplemental reason King Arthur may not be mentioned in earlier Britain text is because of a fire. “In 1184, Glastonbury Abbey was destroyed by a fire and the reconstruction began almost immediately”. (2017. M. Georgievska).

Where is King Arthur Buried?

Which brings us to the location topic, why Glastonbury Abbey? This is the acknowledged location of King Arthur’s burial site (2017.M. Georgievska).

Another author who has dug into this mystery is Graham Phillips, author of, “The Lost Tomb of King Arthur.” Whom refers to “The berth” being a formal chapel near Shropshire’s Baschurch village. Another location believed to be King Arthur’s burial site.

Perhaps the confusion is intentional to keep those who would have wished to plunder his grave in retribution off the scent.


I have found enough facts here to make me seriously question if King Arthur was real or not. Previously I had thought him to be fictitious. What do you believe?

Also, slightly off topic but relevant point…… What I do find interesting is how reluctant some are to dig up or desecrate the grave of a European legend? Yet the same archaeologists eagerly desecrate the graves of Egyptians. Any thoughts on that?

Citations and great reads on this subject:

Archaeology Data Services

M. Georgievska. 2017. “Glastonbury Abbey: The ruined monastery shrouded in mystery and legend” (Retrieved from: https://www.abandonedspaces.com/public/glastonbury-abbey-the-ruined-monastery-shrouded-in-mystery-and-legend.html )

G. Phillips. 2016. “The Lost Tomb of King Arthur”. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B014VFLOWC&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_KbFFCbX4AQBMF&tag=Slyist1

Marchini, 2016. (Retrieved from: https://www.archaeology.co.uk/articles/features/glastonbury-abbey.htm)

Wall. n.d. History Extra. “10 things you (probably) didn’t know about the Anglo-Saxons” (Retrieved from: Retrieved from: https://www.historyextra.com/period/anglo-saxon/facts-anglo-saxons-dates/ )

History.com staff. 2017. “Was King Arthur a real person?” Retrieved from: https://www.history.com/news/was-king-arthur-a-real-person)

  1. http://saxons.etrusia.co.uk/vikings_whowere.php

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